Webinaire gratuit – Impacts du RGPD sur les sociétés canadiennes et présentation des subventions disponibles Votre organisation est-elle active sur le marché européen ou prévoit-elle y développer ses activités ? Même sans établissement en Europe,...
Weekly Newsletter: 28 June – 2 July 2021 July 5, 2021 Jane Murphy Will the proposed EU AI rules become the GDPR for biometrics? [#ArtificialIntelligence #Biometrics #Technology #EU] “After several high-profile cases, it’s understandable...
3 of the most common mistakes made about the UK GDPR by EU companies 1. ASSUMING THAT SMALL VOLUMES OF UK DATA DON’T FALL UNDER THE UK GDPR Many EU companies don’t realise how much data they are collecting on UK individuals, particularly in the case of...
Weekly Newsletter: 21 June – 24 June 2021 June 28, 2021 Jane Murphy Europe needs to stop fixating on Silicon Valley, says EU commissioner [#Google #Facebook #EU #Technology #EUdataTransfers] “Get a life, Europe. That’s the...
Weekly Newsletter: 14 June – 18 June 2021 June 21, 2021 Jane Murphy New browser signal could make cookie banners obsolete [#Cookiebanner #DataProtection #Noyb] “Today, noyb and Sustainable Computig Lab (“CSL”) published a...