BLCC – London calling Webinar In order to keep you up-to-date in a fast changing environment where we all lack time, the BLCC in Great Britain is launching a quarterly ‘London Calling’ online event. In a 30 minute session, we have 3...
3 of the most common mistakes made about the UK GDPR by EU companies 1. ASSUMING THAT SMALL VOLUMES OF UK DATA DON’T FALL UNDER THE UK GDPR Many EU companies don’t realise how much data they are collecting on UK individuals, particularly in the case of...
What US companies should know about Brexit and the Data Protection Representative Brexit And The GDPR: Does Your US Business Need Two Data Protection Representatives? Since January 1, 2021, the UK is no longer a Member State of the European...
Brexit And The GDPR: Does your UK business have to appoint a Data Protection Representative in the EU? Brexit changed a lot for businesses, especially for UK companies that do business with the EU/EEA. Trade, regulation, human resources,...
Brexit And The GDPR: What Does Brexit Mean For Your EU Business? Brexit changed a lot for businesses, especially for EU companies that do business with the UK. Trade, regulation, human resources, transport… there’s almost nothing that goes...