Weekly Newsletter: 7 June – 11 June 2021
GDPR EU Representative

June 14, 2021

The All-Seeing Eyes of New York’s 15,000 Surveillance Cameras 

[#NYPD #FacialRecognition #AmestyInternational #Surveillance]

“A NEW VIDEO from human rights organization Amnesty International maps the locations of more than 15,000 cameras used by the New York Police Department, both for routine surveillance and in facial-recognition searches. […] Amnesty International and a team of volunteer researchers mapped cameras that can feed NYPD’s much criticized facial-recognition systems in three of the city’s five boroughs—Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx—finding 15,280 in total.

“You are never anonymous,” says Matt Mahmoudi, the AI researcher leading the project. […] The Amnesty International team found that the cameras are often clustered in majority nonwhite neighborhoods.”

To read more: Click here

The updated standard contractual clauses — A new hope?

[#SCCs #StandardContractualClauses #EuropeanCommission]

“With each new set of SCCs, the European Commission has sought to provide updated safeguards that better take account of the ever-changing data environment in which they will be deployed. And so it is with these, the commission’s latest SCCs; yet, these are by far and away the most ambitious and eagerly awaited of all the adopted SCCs. Why is that? […]

Technically, the new SCCs come into effect on June 27, 2021 (i.e. 20 days after their publication in the EU’s Official Journal, on June 7, 2021). So what are they like? […]

Returning to the Star Wars analogy, however, whether these new SCCs will successfully bring balance to the (data protection) Force, only time will tell.”

To read more: Click here


Commission to start legal action against Belgium for GDPR infringements

[#GDPRcompliant #Belgium #EuropeanCommission] 

“The European Commission will take legal action against Belgium for the infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) following the filing of two anonymous complaints. […]

One complaint, which was filed last November, reportedly concerns the Data Protection Authority (DPA) in Belgium and the appointment of four external members who also hold public office, in contradiction with the GDPR which states that all members must be free from any external influence.”

To read more: Click here

US and Europe to forge tech alliance amid China’s rise

[#EUdatatransfers #UnitedStates #EuropeanCommission]

“The European Union and the United States will announce a wide-ranging partnership around technology and trade next week in an attempt to push back against China and promote democratic values, according to two EU officials and draft conclusions for the upcoming EU-U.S. summit seen by POLITICO.

While negotiations on the new body are still ongoing, U.S. President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen plan to announce details of the project when they meet in Brussels on June 15. […]

The Trade and Tech Council will set up EU-U.S. groups around artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, competitiveness, data governance and technology platforms to create transatlantic standards, according to the draft conclusions of the summit obtained by POLITICO.”

To read more: Click here 

Amazon faces potential $425 million EU privacy fine – WSJ

[#EUdatatransfers #CNPD #Amazon #Privacy #GDPR]

“Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) could be fined more than $425 million under the European Union’s privacy law, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.

Luxembourg’s data-protection commission, CNPD, has circulated a draft decision and proposed a fine highlighting Amazon’s privacy practices among the bloc’s 26 national data-protection authorities, according to the report.

The case relates to Amazon’s collection and use of individuals’ personal data and violations under EU’s landmark data privacy rules known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a source told the Journal.”

To read more: Click here