Events & Webinars

IAPP Intensive – London, UK – March 2023
DAY 1 The IAPP - International Association of Privacy Professionals Data Protection Intensive: UK 2023 kicked off this Wednesday with John Edwards (Information Commissioner's Office’s...

EDPO participated in the Belgian Economic Mission to Japan – Dec. 2022
EDPO is thrilled to have been part of the Belgian Economic Mission to Japan with HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium last week - and what a crazy week it was! We had the opportunity to catch up with some...

Belgian Economic Mission to the United States – June 2022
BLCC – London calling WebinarIn order to keep you up-to-date in a fast changing environment where we all lack time, the BLCC in Great Britain is
Belgian Economic Mission to the United Kingdom – May 2022
EDPO participated in the Belgian Economic Mission to the United Kingdom in London, Oxford and Cambridge (8 to 12 May): EDPO is delighted to have participated in the Belgian Economic Mission to the...
IAPP Global Privacy Summit – April 2022
EDPO attended the IAPP Global Privacy Summit in Washington DC (12 & 13 April). Here are the main insights from the conferences: The IAPP Global Privacy Summit kicked off with a great opening...
IAPP Intensives – France & UK – March 2022
IAPP Intensive France - 17 & 18 March 2022 EDPO attended the IAPP Intensive in Paris (17 March). Here are the main insights from this first day of conferences: 🔐 International data transfer...
IAPP Data Protection Congress 2021 – Insights
IAPP Data Protection Congress 2021 - Insights EDPO was at the IAPP - International Association of Privacy Professionals - Data Protection Congress last week and we asked some thought leaders in the...
Webinar – “London calling” with the BLCC
BLCC - London calling WebinarIn order to keep you up-to-date in a fast changing environment where we all lack time, the BLCC in Great Britain is launching a quarterly ‘London Calling’ online event....
Webinaire – Impacts du RGPD sur les sociétés canadiennes et présentation des subventions disponibles
Votre organisation est-elle active sur le marché européen ou prévoit-elle y développer ses activités ? Même sans établissement en Europe, celle-ci doit obligatoirement se conformer au Règlement sur...
Webinaire gratuit – Impacts du RGPD sur les sociétés canadiennes et présentation des subventions disponibles
Votre organisation est-elle active sur le marché européen ou prévoit-elle y développer ses activités ? Même sans établissement en Europe, celle-ci doit obligatoirement se conformer au Règlement...
Webinar – The impact of Brexit on GDPR obligations for Belgian and Luxemburg companies
EDPO and the BLCC discussed the impact of Brexit on GDPR obligations for Belgian and Luxembourg companies. Watch below the recording of the webinar (held on 1 June 2021). The impact of Brexit on...
Webinar – The impact of Brexit on GDPR obligations for Belgian and Luxemburg companies
EDPO (European Data Protection Office) and BLCC are pleased to invite you to the following webinar to be held on 1st June at 10am (London) / 11am (Brussels): The Impact of Brexit on the GDPR...
Quel est l’impact du RGPD pour les sociétés canadiennes ?
Le Service des délégués commerciaux canadien dévoile leur nouvelle série de podcast : "Du Canada vers l’Europe : Conversations commerciales". Les invitées de ce premier épisode sont Jane Murphy,...
What is the impact of GDPR for Canadian companies?
Canada2EU Trade Chats delivers its first podcast episode with Jane Murphy, lawyer and Founder of EDPO (European Data Protection Office), and Melanie Gagnon, President and Founder of the data...
Webinaire – Les impacts du RGPD sur les entreprises canadiennes avec Jane Murphy et Mélanie Gagnon
À vos agendas ! Assistez à notre webinaire le 30 septembre (à 12h - heure du Québec - ou à 18h - heure de Bruxelles), organisé par le Réseau des Femmes d'affaires du Québec en collaboration avec...