November 9, 2020
TikTok failed to ban flagged ‘child predator’
[#privacy #DataProtection #TikTok #securitymeasures] “TikTok’s pledge to take “immediate action” against child predators has been challenged by a BBC Panorama investigation.
The app says it has a “zero tolerance” policy against grooming behaviours.
But when an account created for the programme – which identified itself as belonging to a 14-year-old girl – reported a male adult for sending sexual messages, TikTok did not ban it.
[..]A spokesman noted the app offered privacy features to help parents avoid such problems. “We offer all our users a high level of control over who can see and interact with the content they post,” he said. “These privacy settings can be set either at account level or on a video-by-video basis.” TikTok’s moderators also terminated two other men’s accounts without need for follow-up prompts.”
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Fault in NHS Covid app meant thousands at risk did not quarantine
[#NHS #Covid19 #Covidapp] “A code error in the NHS Covid-19 app meant users had to be next to a highly infectious patient for five times as long as the NHS had decided was risky before being instructed to self-isolate, the Guardian has learned.
[…]The problem was only discovered last week, when software engineers rewrote how the app decides who needs to isolate and discovered it had been relying on faulty maths since its launch in September.
[…]The error was only discovered when a new version of the contact-tracing app, which can better account for exposures at mid-range (over a metre away) was created.
The unfeasibly high risk score also explained another problem plaguing the app: “ghost notifications” warning users that they may have been exposed to someone with Covid, but which never resulted in advice to isolate.”
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What you need to know about EU, US and UK data talks
[…]EU officials have been meeting with British counterparts since March over a potential adequacy agreement — a legal deal that would allow European data to move across the English Channel after December 31.
Two sticking points remain. Brussels is concerned how British national security agencies may access EU data, and if that data collection is illegal, particularly after another recent decision by Europe’s highest court. Officials are also worried the U.K. could become a go-between for U.S. authorities to similarly obtain EU data via the close relationship between American and British security agencies.”
Turkey to fine social media giants under new law
The Turkish parliament, in July, passed a controversial legislation which aims to further strengthen state control of online platforms and users’ data in the country. The new law demanded foreign social media companies with more than one million users in Turkey to store their users’ data in the country, and open an office staffed by at least one representative responsible for investigations and legal proceedings before a deadline of 1 October.“
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Privacy Organisation Open Rights Group taking the privacy Regulator ICO to Court in a landmark case
A complaint was made in September 2018 by Jim Killock and Dr Michael Veale to the ICO about the systemic breaches of the GDPR by the AdTech industry, focusing on the role of the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), a trade industry body as the rule setter.
[…]The co-complainants (Jim Killock and Dr Michael Veale) are now taking the regulator to court over its refusal to take substantive action against what their own investigation concluded were very serious and extensive unlawful practices. “
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